CV scientifique des Enseignants-chercheurs


Chercheur & Experimenté


Murilo Souza

Web Designer

About Murilo Souza

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.


Balsam Samira


About Balsam Samira

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.


Rodrigo Ribeiro


About Rodrigo Ribeiro

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.


Melissa Padgett


About Melissa Padgett

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.


Austin Smith

Teaching Fellow

About Austin Smith

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.


Leigh Minarik

Ballistics Professor

About Leigh Minarik

I preserve each companion certification and I'm an authorized AWS solutions architect professional.